短期海外交流プログラム プログラム修了式とランチ交流会を行いました。Short-term overseas exchange program – Program completion ceremony and lunch party were held.


On Friday, August 25, 2023, we held a completion ceremony and lunch party for international students from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia and National Yangming Jiaotong University, Taiwan.


At the completion ceremony, Dean Takahashi, Dean of Engineering, handed out program completion certificates to the international students. He told the international students that he hopes they will make use of the experience they gained from the one-month program in the future.


At the lunch party after the completion ceremony, laboratory professors and students joined in and had a great time with the international students.

短期海外交流プログラム 台湾・国立高雄科技大学留学生のプログラム修了式を行いました。Short-term overseas exchange program : A program completion ceremony was held for international students from National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan.


On Thursday, August 10, 2023, a completion ceremony was held for international students of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology who participated in the short-term overseas exchange program of the Faculty of Engineering.


At the ceremony, Dean of Engineering Takahashi told the international students, “Taiwan and Japan are just across the ocean, and I hope you will visit Ehime University again.”


The international students were presented with a certificate of program completion by Dean Takahashi, Dean of Engineering.

短期海外交流プログラム 留学生が愛大の学生と市内観光をしました。Short-term overseas exchange program: International students toured Matsuyama city with Ehime University students.


International students who came to Japan on a short-term overseas exchange program to study at the Faculty of Engineering went sightseeing around Matsuyama city with students from Ehime University on Saturday, August 5, 2023.


It was a hot, sunny day, but they had a great time touring Dogo Hot Spa and Matsuyama Castle together.

短期海外交流プログラム 受入留学生が日本語を学びました。Short-term overseas exchange program: Accepted international students learned Japanese.


International students who came to Japan on the short-term program (summer) in 2023 to study at a laboratory in the Faculty of Engineering took Japanese classes by Japanese language instructors. The international students who participated this time were 12 students from Malaysia and 4 students from Taiwan.


The Japanese class was held twice, and in the first class they learned basic things such as greetings, self-introductions, and how to say the date and time in Japanese. In the second class, they will also practice practical conversations such as shopping situations.


短期受入プログラム 留学生のオリエンテーションを行いました。Short-term acceptance program: Orientation for international students was held.


On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, we held an orientation for international students who came to Japan on the Faculty of Engineering short-term acceptance program. The participants this time were eight students from University of Malaya and one student from the National Yangming Jiaotong University in Taiwan. The international students will stay to conduct research in their specialized fields at Ehime University for one month.


At the orientation, Chairman Nakahata of the International Cooperation Committee gave an explanation about the stay at Ehime University. The international students listened intently to our university’s research curriculum and the program activities they would be participating in.