海外留学支援・派遣プログラム参加学生の出発式を行いました。Departure ceremony was held for students participating in the study abroad support and dispatch program.


On Friday, July 19, 2024, a departure ceremony was held for eight students who will be studying abroad at Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, University of Malaya in Malaysia.


Students will stay at the host university for one month, conducting experiments and research in the laboratory, and deepening interactions with local people.


Each student will depart to study abroad with some purposes. One student said he wanted to break out of his shy shell and actively talk with local people, and another said he wanted to further deepen his research activities there.


At the ceremony, Dean of Engineering Moriwaki gave three pieces of advice to the students. First, to try to immerse yourselves in English every day since you’re studying abroad. The second is to act with Japanese awareness. The third thing is to know Japan well and be able to talk about it to local people.


Lastly, the Dean talked that he’d like to reunite with the students who has returned to Japan in good health and more strength.