短期受入プログラムに参加する留学生が台湾から来日しました。An international student came to Japan from Taiwan to participate in the short-term acceptance program.


The Graduate School of Science and Engineering conducts short-term exchange programs as part of its international education program.


On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, one international student participating in the short-term acceptance program came to Japan from National Yangming Jiaotong University in Taiwan. She will stay in the laboratory for one month, engaging in research activities and cultural exchanges with students in the laboratory.


The next day, she participated in an orientation session and received an explanation from the Faculty of Engineering staffs about precautions to be taken during her stay. In addition, International Collaboration Committee Chairman Nakahata gave a welcome speech, saying, “I hope that you will actively participate in research activities and events during your stay, interact with our students a lot, and spend a meaningful time. ”