台湾から短期受入プログラムに参加している留学生の修了式を行いました。A completion ceremony was held for international students from Taiwan participating in the short-term acceptance program.


On Monday, August 29, 2022, we held a program completion ceremony for three international students from Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan who participated in the short-term acceptance program of the Faculty of Engineering.


They stayed at our university for about a month from early August, conducting experiments and research in the laboratory, and went sightseeing in Matsuyama City on their days off.


At the completion ceremony, each international student received a certificate of completion from Dean Takahashi. Faculty of Engineering International Collaboration Committee and faculty members from the host laboratories also participated and gave a big round of applause to the international students who completed the program.

海外留学支援・短期派遣プログラムに参加する学生の出発式を行いました。A departure ceremony was held for students participating in the study abroad support/short-term dispatch program.


On Wednesday, July 20, 2022, a departure ceremony was held for eight students who will be studying abroad for a short period at Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia, and National Yangming Jiaotong University in Taiwan.


They will stay at the host university for one month, conducting experiments and research in the laboratory, and deepening their interactions with local students.


At the departure ceremony, Dean Takahashi, Dean of the Engineering Department, told them to take extra care of their health as they were being dispatched during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, International Cooperation Committee Chairman Nakahata asked for them to be careful about safety and make the month a meaningful one.

短期派遣プログラムの留学事前説明会を開催しました。We held a pre-study briefing session for the short-term dispatch program in 2022.


A pre-study briefing session for the 2022 study abroad support system/short-term dispatch program was held on Thursday, July 14th.


At the briefing session, the instructor talked about safety management at the destination and the emergency contact system. The participating students listened intently to the instructor’s talk.

理工学研究科(工学系)海外留学支援・短期派遣プログラムの説明会を実施しました。An information session was held for the Graduate School of Science and Engineering overseas study support/short-term dispatch program in 2022.


An information session for the 2022 short-term study abroad program was held on Monday, May 30th, and students interested in short-term study abroad participated.


The program has not been held for about two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it will be held this year with safety in mind. At the information session, an overview of the program and how to apply were explained, and the participating students listened intently to the instructor’s talk. Students were advised to research and apply to the universities they are interested in on their own.


It was a good opportunity for students interested in studying abroad to consider participating.



・KSA(Kanken Study Abroad)プロジェクト
